Mobile Orders
Set up
- Tape dispenser
- Sharpie
- Highlighter
- When an order is placed, print out the order from the office printer
- Use a sharpie to mark the pickup time on the paper
- Tape the paper to the kitchen monitors
- Only bump orders off the screen that are over $75.00- Fills 4 boxes
- When it is time to start preparing the order begin by fixing the drinks first
Online Mobile Pickup Orders
- Determine the location in each store where the tickets will be hung up at
- When the ticket prints, highlight the drinks
- Tape the tickets in the designated spot
- Only bump orders off the screen that are over $75.00- Fills 4 boxes
- When it is time to start preparing the order begin by fixing the drinks first
- Always fill the drinks 1st!
- Mobile orders can be picked up by the customer inside or in the drive thru- If a customer comes through the drive thru, get their order from the cubicle and take to the window to present to customer
Online Inside Orders Pickup
- When a customer orders for online pickup they will enter in their first and last name
- Once the order is placed it will show on the backline frontline kitchen screen
- A ticket for the order will print with the details of the order and customer name
- Prepare order. Tape receipt to bag.
- Place the order in the appropriate cubicle for pickup
- Orders should be placed in the cubicle by last name
- Ensure the receipt is taped to front of bag
- Ensure the receipt is facing out towards lobby so customer can easily locate their order
- If more than 1 order in the cubicle, place side by side so that each customer can locate their order