Lobby Drink Fountain Start Up/Shut Down
Fountain Equipment Shut-down and Start-up Procedures (Lobby Only)
Continue to perform regular cleaning and sanitizing on the dispensers even though they have been shut down. Be sure to sanitize weekly all connectors on BIBs, even on those that aren’t being changed out regularly.
If you would like to take measures to disinfect non-food contact surfaces, refer to the Coca-Cola memo with suggested products that are compatible with our trademarked equipment.
Contact your Coca-Cola representative to ensure you have the latest guidance.
✓Disconnect (unplug) power to ice makers and lobby beverage equipment.
DO NOT shut down water and CO2 at the source. This will restrict flow to the drive thru dispensers you are planning to continue to use.
Contact your Coca-Cola representative to ensure you have the latest guidance.
Ice Makers Mounted on top of Dispensers
- Run two complete ice-making cycles and discard all the ice made.
- Sanitize ice maker bin.
Fountain Dispensers
- Sanitize ice bin, if present.
- Ensure fresh ice is in contact with cold plate and bin is at least 1/3 full.
- Run each beverage valve on each dispenser for at least 2 minutes twice.
- Taste all drinks. If there is an off taste from any valve, flush the valve for another minute, then check again for satisfactory taste. If taste remains unsatisfactory, place a service call.
Fountain Equipment Shut-down and Start-up Procedures
Contact your Coca-Cola representative to ensure you have the latest guidance.
1.Shut-off incoming water supply and CO2 supply to beverage equipment
2.Depressurize carbonated water and plain water circuits
- Unplug all carbonators
- Disconnect BIB connectors
- Run each beverage valve until water stops flowing
3.Sanitize and attach BIB connectors, and perform daily cleaning routine
4.Disconnect (unplug) power to ice makers and beverage equipment
Contact your Coca-Cola representative to ensure you have the latest guidance.
✓Check that each BIB has not reached its “Enjoy by” date.
✓Perform standard daily and weekly cleaning procedures
If you would like to take measures to disinfect non-food contact surfaces, refer to the Coca-Cola memo with suggested products that are compatible with our trademarked equipment.
✓Connect power to carbonators, ice makers and beverage equipment
✓Turn on incoming water supply and CO2 supply to beverage equipment
Ice Makers Mounted on top of Dispensers
- Run two complete ice-making cycles and discard all the ice made.
- Sanitize ice maker bin.
Fountain Dispensers
- Sanitize ice bin, if present.
- Ensure fresh ice is in contact with cold plate and bin is at least 1/3 full.
- Run each beverage valve on each dispenser for at least 2 minutes twice.
- Taste all drinks. If there is an off taste from any valve, flush the valve for another minute, then check again for satisfactory taste. If taste remains unsatisfactory, place a service call.
If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to call Coca-Cola at 800-241-2653 and ask to speak with myCoketech, who will be happy to assist.