Actions Steps
Invest yourself
- Invest your time in orientation and training
- Invest who you are into what they will become It will return big dividends
- Be a mentor to team members Improve their performance by your example
Quality training
- Be a teacher Take time to show how and tell why
- Never leave a new person's side until they are comfortable with the task or job
- Always review with a trainee at the end of the shift Give 3 positives and 3 goals for the next shift
Keep a positive attitude
- You, as a leader, hold the key to your employee's attitude
- Start every conversation with positive energy and remarks
Develop competitions
- Develop store competitions Most people love to compete and really love to win
- Have competitions with stores in your area Challenge them
- Celebrate success with individuals and as a store
Create ownership in your team
- People feel ownership in their job when they are included
- Include team members by sharing information about the store's successes and failures
- Team members feel ownership when you ask for their ideas and then listen
Get everyone involved in company contests
- Develop a goal and plan to compete in our company contests
- Get everyone involved in the Biscuit Bake-off, the Know-it-all, and Operator of the Year
- Celebrate success Even if you don't win, celebrate reaching certain goals
Have an ongoing development program
- Talk to each team member about the career opportunities at Jack's
- Show by your positive attitude that management is a rewarding career
- Always try to promote management from your crew
Be flexible in your scheduling
- Always attempt to honor team member's schedule request
- Give more hours to team members who have good job performance This will encourage others to strive for the same
- Always have your schedule posted by Saturday This will allow people to schedule their activities around their work schedule
Praise good performance
- Positive recognition makes everyone feel good
- Always be looking for things people are doing right rather than what's wrong
- Always praise in public
Redirect mistakes
- When people make mistakes, focus attention on the problem not the person
- Ask, "Can I show you?"
- Always be positive about the person even when they do it wrong