Improving Employee Performance

From Jack's Wiki
Key Actions Steps
Invest yourself
  1. Invest your time in orientation and training
  2. Invest who you are into what they will become It will return big dividends
  3. Be a mentor to team members Improve their performance by your example
Quality training
  1. Be a teacher Take time to show how and tell why
  2. Never leave a new person's side until they are comfortable with the task or job
  3. Always review with a trainee at the end of the shift Give 3 positives and 3 goals for the next shift
Keep a positive attitude
  1. You, as a leader, hold the key to your employee's attitude
  2. Start every conversation with positive energy and remarks
Develop competitions
  1. Develop store competitions Most people love to compete and really love to win
  2. Have competitions with stores in your area Challenge them
  3. Celebrate success with individuals and as a store
Create ownership in your team
  1. People feel ownership in their job when they are included
  2. Include team members by sharing information about the store's successes and failures
  3. Team members feel ownership when you ask for their ideas and then listen
Get everyone involved in company contests
  1. Develop a goal and plan to compete in our company contests
  2. Get everyone involved in the Biscuit Bake-off, the Know-it-all, and Operator of the Year
  3. Celebrate success Even if you don't win, celebrate reaching certain goals
Have an ongoing development program
  1. Talk to each team member about the career opportunities at Jack's
  2. Show by your positive attitude that management is a rewarding career
  3. Always try to promote management from your crew
Be flexible in your scheduling
  1. Always attempt to honor team member's schedule request
  2. Give more hours to team members who have good job performance This will encourage others to strive for the same
  3. Always have your schedule posted by Saturday This will allow people to schedule their activities around their work schedule
Praise good performance
  1. Positive recognition makes everyone feel good
  2. Always be looking for things people are doing right rather than what's wrong
  3. Always praise in public
Redirect mistakes
  1. When people make mistakes, focus attention on the problem not the person
  2. Ask, "Can I show you?"
  3. Always be positive about the person even when they do it wrong