Cooking Hamburger Patties

From Jack's Wiki

Quick Reference

Storage: 0°F +/- 10°F - Freezer
Cooking temperature: AccuTemp Grill: 325°F
All other Grills: 350°F
Minimum Internal Cooking Temperature 155°F internal
Quality serving temperature: 150°F to 160°F
Total cooking time: 2 ½ minutes
Duty time (turn): 1 minute 15 seconds
Final timer: 1 minute 15 seconds
Final turn: Until juices run clear
Holding time: 30 minutes
Cook more time: 27 1/2 minutes

Q A standard: Frozen patties should not have a white coating They should be well-formed, and should not stick together Misshapen patties and/or patties that do not easily release from one another indicates thawing and refreezing Do not accept or use this product Cooked patties should not have an off odor The juices should run clear when finished cooking The patties should not be hard or dried out Always honor QA times

Tools Needed

  • Stainless steel seasoning dredge
  • Meat trowel
  • Red perforated meat spatula
  • Grill Scraper
  • Grill Pad Holder
  • Grill Pad
  • Grill Screens
  • Warming pans for product holding cabinet
  • Solid lids for product holding cabinet
  • Blue Food-Mitt Gloves
  • 1/6 size, 6-inch deep pan

Work Safe

  • Wash hands before starting to work and after handling anything that is not food related to prevent contamination
  • Always wear Food-Mitt gloves when handling raw hamburger patties
  • Wash hands before and after handling raw meat
  • Keep hamburger patties frozen until ready to cook
  • For food safety, hamburger patties must reach an internal temperature of 155°F while cooking and maintain it for 17 seconds
  • Hamburger patties must be time and temperature controlled for safety (TCS) Once cooked, they must maintain a minimum temperature of 135°F
  • Always wear single use gloves when preparing or handling ready to eat food There should be no bare hand contact with ready to eat food
  • Use caution when scraping grill The grease on the grill is hot
  • Wash, rinse, and sanitize all utensils and surfaces that touch food every four hours or anytime they become contaminated

Receiving and Storage

  • Hamburger patties are delivered and stored at 0°F  +/- 10°F


  • Place clean pans and lids in the appropriate slots in the product holding cabinet
  • Ensure you have a seasoning dredge with a clean lid
  • When a seasoning dredge is empty, it should be washed, rinsed, sanitized, and air dried.
  • Prepare the case of hamburger patties for easy access by cutting off one side of the box. See photos below.
  • Communicate with the backline coordinator for how many hamburger patties to cook
  • uAlways use Food-Mitt gloves when handling raw hamburger patties
  • Use the Food-Mitt gloves to take the projected number of hamburger patties from the freezer
  • Lay hamburger patties in a row, starting at the front of the grill and working toward the back
  • Remove the Food-Mitt gloves by shaking them off your hands into a garbage can. Ensure you do not touch the gloves.
  • Quickly press the 2 1/2-minute timer
  • Season the hamburger patties evenly by shaking the dredge side to side while moving from back to front
  • Holding the seasoning dredge in the palm of your hand, tilted up, apply a moderate amount of meat seasoning to the hamburger patties
  • • When the duty timer sounds at 1 minute 15 seconds, use the meat trowel to turn the hamburger patties. Make sure the patties are completely loosened from the grill before turning so as not to tear the meat.  
  • Use caution when turning hamburger patties to ensure grease does not splash which could cause burns
  • When the final timer sounds, turn the patties again using the red perforated meat spatula
  • Allow the meat patties to cook until the juices run clear to ensure doneness
  • Check the meat to make sure it is done Do this by piercing the center of the patty with the corner of the red perforated meat spatula If there is no pink color and the juices run clear, the patties are done If they still have red juices turn one final time
  • Using the red perforated meat spatula, shingle the hamburger patties on the grill by overlapping each patty about 3/4 onto the next patty (See illustration)   
  • .Do not drain the hamburger patties
  • Bring the appropriate warming pan to the grill to prevent meat juices from dripping on the floor when transferring patties from the grill to the product holding cabinet           
  • Pans should be changed out and hamburger patties placed in clean pans at changeover, after lunch peak, and before dinner peak
  • Between changing out to clean pans, rinse the pans after each use with boiling water from the hot water maker This will remove any grease left in the pan
  • Place the shingled row(s) of patties in the warming pan Never stack hamburger patties in a warming pan
  • The maximum number of meat patties in the pan is twelve (Two rows of six)
  • Slide the pan into the appropriate slot Ensure that the pan passes under the “Bump” on the lid This will lock the pan in place and not allow heat to escape from the product


  • Press the timer button that corresponds with the pan (. For top pan . For bottom pan)
  • When the timer button is pressed, the LED screen will alternate between the name of the product and the amount of holding time remaining for that product
  • The pan with the least amount of holding time remaining will have a green light
  • Any linked pans of the same product will not have a light, but the timer will count down as normal
  • Only use products from pans with a green light
  • When the holding time has expired, the green light will go out and a buzzer will sound
  • Press the timer button Empty the contents of the pan into the waste container and remove the warming pan
  • Empty warming pans should never be left in the product holding cabinet
  • Pans with expired product should never be in the holding cabinet
  • Warming pans must be rinsed thoroughly with boiling water from the hot water maker after emptying contents to remove any grease remaining in the pan
  • Pans should be changed out and the hamburger patties placed in clean pans that have been washed, rinsed, sanitized and air dried before lunch peak, after lunch peak, before dinner peak or every 4 hours, whichever comes first
  • During lunch changeover, pans containing breakfast products with hold time remaining will not changeover until the product expires

Scraping the Grill

  • After cooking hamburger patties, scrape the grill thoroughly to remove all build-up
  • Hold the grill scraper at a sharp angle and scrape the grill in a front to back motion
  • Use the meat spatula to scrape pooled carbon and grease that is in the grease trough into the grease drawer
  • Empty the grease drawer into the grease caddy when it becomes more than ½ full

Grill Cleaning

  • Turn off all grill thermostats
  • Use the safety equipment when cleaning the grill (rubber gloves, rubber apron, and the goggles)
  • Pour water onto the grill and using the grill scraper remove as much carbon buildup as possible
  • Place a grill pad on the grill pad holder
  • Pour more water on the grill and place a grill screen onto the grill
  • Place the grill pad holder with pad over the grill screen and using a back and forth motion, press down hard and scrub the grill
  • After scrubbing, pour more water on the grill and scrape again
  • Wipe down grill surface, side walls, trough, and surrounding area of grill with towel and hot water
  • Season the grill with shortening to prevent products from sticking the next morning
  • Remove the grease drawer and empty the grill grease into the grease caddy
  • Wash out the grease drawer and place it back in place


  • Turn off product holding cabinet
  • Wash, rinse & sanitize warming pans, lids, seasoning dredge/lid, perforated meat spatula, meat trowel, and tongs Allow to air dry
  • Use warm soapy water to wipe down the exterior and interior of the product holding cabinet
  • Clean out reach-in freezer
  • Empty grease traps into shortening caddy