Test Stores C - Mashed Potatoes: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "== Quick Reference == {| class="wikitable" !Product !Receiving !Storage !Quality Serving !Cook Time !Cook Temp !Hold Time |- |Mashed Potatoes |Dry Storage |Dry Storage |150°F - 160°F |30 seconds |208°F |6 hours |- |Salt/Pepper Blend |Dry Storage |Dry Storage | | | | |- |Liquid Margarine |Cooler |Cooler | | | | |}")
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=== Recipe ===
* 1 package of potato flakes
* 2 quarts boiling water
* 8 ounces liquid margarine
* 3 teaspoons salt/pepper blend
=== Portioning ===
* Side order: 4 ounces
* Dinner portion: 4 ounces
* Pints: 16 ounces
Q.A. Standard: Potato flakes should be thoroughly dissolved in water.  No dry spots should be present. Potatoes should be just thick enough to hold shape when scooped and not have a crusty appearance on top.
== Tools Needed ==
* Long handle wire whisk
* Measuring cup
* 1/3 size pan with slotted lid
* #8 disher
* Long handle teaspoon
* Dissolvable label
* Sharpie
== Work Safe ==
* Use caution when pouring hot water into pan to avoid burns
== Preparing and Holding ==
* Measure 2 quarts boiling water from the hot water maker
* Use caution when pouring hot water into pan
* Slowly pour hot water into a 1/3 size, 6-inch-deep pan
* Pour 1 bag of potato flakes into the water while mixing with a wire whisk until smooth
* Measure 8 ounces liquid margarine. Pour into mashed potatoes.
* Measure 3 level teaspoons of salt/pepper blend. Pour into mashed potatoes.
* Use whisk to stir all ingredients into the mashed potatoes. Stir until evenly distributed.
* Write the product name and the 6-hour discard time on dissolvable label
* Place a #8 disher into the potatoes and cover with slotted lid
* Place pan in steam well at a temperature of 150°F to 160°F
* Stir potatoes every 15-minutes
* If potatoes become too thick, add 1 ounce of hot water at a time into potatoes until the right consistency is achieved
* Discard any potatoes remaining when the hold time expires
== Serving ==
=== Side Order (4 ounces) ===
* Scoop potatoes with a #8 disher
* Scrape top of disher across pan lip to level
* Turn scoop face down into squat bowl and depress release lever
* Using bottom of disher, make a depression into top of mashed potatoes
* Using the 1oz. ladle pour 1 ounce of gravy into the depression
* Dine in - Place bowl on serving tray with a fork
* Dine out – Place lid on squat bowl and make sure it is firmly seated
* Place upright in bag with a spoon and napkin
=== Dinner Portion (4 ounces) ===
* Scoop potatoes with a #8 disher
* Scrape top of scoop across pan lip to level
* Turn disher face down into small section of 3-compartment plate or clamshell container and depress release lever
* Using bottom of disher, make a depression into top of mashed potatoes
* Using the 1oz. ladle pour 1 ounce of gravy into the depression
=== Pint (16 ounces) ===
* Fill pint container with mashed potatoes to ½ inch from top of container
* Portion gravy into a squat bowl to ½ inch from top of container
* Dine in – Place pint of mashed potatoes and cup of gravy on serving tray. Serve with requested number of spoons.
* Dine out – Place lid on container and make sure it is firmly seated
== Close ==
* Turn steam well off
* Remove pan of potatoes from steam well
* Discard unused mashed potatoes into waste container
* Wash, rinse and sanitize pan, lid, and disher. Allow to air dry.
* Drain steam well and scrub the inside of the well using scouring pad and soapy water
* Rinse well and wipe dry
* Clean all exterior surfaces using a sanitized towel