White Pepper Gravy
Quick Reference
Storage | Recipe - Full Batch | Recipe - Half Batch | Prep Temp | Holding TIme | Quality
Serving Temp |
50°F - 70°F
Dry Storage |
208°F | 6 hours
Steam well |
150°F to 160°F |
☆ QA Standard: Gravy base should have white appearance. Discard gravy that becomes beige to brown in color.
Tools Needed
- Measuring cup
- Wire whisk
- Ladle
- 1/3 size pan with slotted lid
- 1/6 size pan with slotted lid
Work Safe
- Wash hands before starting to work and after handling anything that is not food related to prevent contamination and health hazards
- Any tools and/or utensils used should be washed, and sanitized every four hours
- Use caution when pouring hot water into pan
- Wash, rinse, and sanitize all utensils and surfaces that touch food every four hours or anytime they become contaminated
Receiving and Storing
- White pepper gravy mix is delivered and stored at room temperature (50°F - 70°F) in the dry storage area
Preparing and Holding
Full Batch
- Use a measuring cup to measure 1 quart hot tap water and pour into a 1/3 size, 6 inch deep pan
- Add one package of white pepper gravy mix to the hot tap water and blend with a wire whisk until lump free
- Use a measuring cup to measure 3 quarts of boiling water from the hot water maker
- Add the boiling water to the gravy mix
- Stir continuously with a wire whisk until well blended
- Gravy should thicken within 30 seconds
- Hold on the steam well set to maintain a temperature of 150°F to 160°F
- White pepper gravy can be held for up to 6 hours
- Mark the discard time on the rim of the pan
- The pan of gravy should be covered with a slotted lid
- Stir gravy every time the quality store timer sounds
- If a crust develops on the gravy that cannot be dissolved, discard the gravy
Half Batch
- Use a measuring cup to measure 16 ounces hot tap water and pour into a 1/6 size, 6 inch deep pan
- Measure 24 ounces of white pepper gravy mix into a measuring cup. Do not pack down
- Add the white pepper gravy mix to the hot tap water and blend with a wire whisk until lump free
- Use a measuring cup to measure 48 ounces of boiling water from the hot water maker
- Add the boiling water to the gravy mix
- Stir continuously with a wire whisk until well blended
- Gravy should thicken within 30 seconds
- Hold on the steam well set to maintain a temperature of 150°F to 160°F
- White pepper gravy can be held for up to 6 hours
- Mark the discard time on the rim of the pan
- The pan of gravy should be covered with a slotted lid
- Stir gravy every time the quality store timer sounds.
- If a crust develops on the gravy that cannot be dissolved, discard the gravy